Hello guys.. We will meet again in here.. My blog is relax tenang. I call myself Relax. Just call me relax.....
Okay,, I have Samsung Note 3 but My samsung faced a problem. The problem was my home button always show dialog box "Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped."
Don't worry, this is the solution:
No need to worry, this cause only because of sofware or app issue. Just go to play store and try to find google as picture below:
Then, just click uninstall. Picture above in my phone. I already uninstall this app. If you click uninstall this app. It will as to uninstall update for this goole or not. Just click ok or yes.
After you have done it, supposely you have fix this problem.
Sorry for my bad english. Lalalala...
Malay version.
Semenjek dua menjak ni relax hadapi masalah dengan phone relax. Masalah dia ialah apabila relax tekan button home dia selalu ada keluar error "Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped."
Jadi, relax tertanya juga la kenapa mesti keluar error ni. Padahal sebelum ni okay je button ni. Selepas di kaji dan di teliti masalah nya, relax dapati masalah ini terjadi adalah di sebabkan oleh relax update satu app.
App tersebut ialah App Google seperti dalam gambar di bawah:
- Buka Play store.
- Cari App seperti gambar di atas.
- Tekan button uninstall.
- Selepas app ni selesai uninstall. Korang check la balik phone korang sama ada masalah sebelum ni ada lagi tak.
Jangan risau nama je uninstall, sebenarnya dia hanya uninstall update untuk app ni Sebab app ni mana boleh buang default application untuk phone kita. Sebenarnya boleh nak buang tapi panjang cerita nak tulis dalam ni.
Kalau jadi lagi, korang restart la phone korang. Kalau jadi lagi, korang komen bawah ni. Let me know okay...
Sekian post relax untuk kali ini.
Sekian daripada ku.
Tajuk lain untuk tajuk ini:
1. How to fix Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped in phone.
2. Cara selesaikan masalah Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped dalam phone.
3. How to solve Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped in android phone.
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